Alphanumerics Group is a leading technological solution provider, based on various types of user platforms.
The Group has been providing a wide range of innovative services since 1997, and has eveloved to developing interactive applications for TV, SMS, MMS, WAP, web, voice applications and much more.
Our business:
Alphanumerics Group, publishes a wide range of content on diverse platforms and mediums.
We offer multiple services based on our innovative technological solutions.
We focus on the development of diverse billing solutions for our global services, marketing these services to international customers world wide.
Alphanumerics is a company with a unique focus on the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.
We are continuously developing next year’s applications and plan futuristic applications, over 2 years in advance.
There are 3 divisions at Alphanumerics, serviced by a dedicated team of over 40 employees including developers, marketing executives, customer relations staff, and executive management.